
Orange Cosmos Flower SEEDS – Untreated & Heirloom – Fast Growing – Cosmos sulphureus

Orange Cosmos is a hardy and fast-growing beautiful flower that attracts beneficial insects and is a good source of nectar and pollen. It loves to self-seed so you only need to buy the seeds ones! The orange flowers are edible. I am not a big fan of the taste but they make a wonderful decoration for all sorts of dishes. The plant grows up to around 1.5m with lots of foliage and is perfect for “chop and drop” to create instant mulch and provide additional nutrients for your edibles.

The price is for 30 Cosmos seeds coming from my food forest in SEQLD.

More info below 🙂

Orange Cosmos Flower SEEDS – Untreated & Heirloom – Fast Growing – Cosmos sulphureus

Orange Cosmos is a hardy and fast-growing beautiful flower that attracts beneficial insects and is a good source of nectar and pollen. It loves to self-seed so you only need to buy the seeds ones! The orange flowers are edible. I am not a big fan of the taste but they make a wonderful decoration for all sorts of dishes. The plant grows up to around 1.5m with lots of foliage and is perfect for “chop and drop” to create instant mulch and provide additional nutrients for your edibles.

The price is for 30 seeds coming from my food forest in SEQLD.

Planting and growing tips: Starting in trays for the first time growth is recommended. Cosmos flower is an easy-to-grow plant, that loves the sun and moderate watering, however, the better the soil, the quicker and better it will grow. It doesn’t like to sit in water so a well-drained position is best. All our edibles grow happily and quickly in slightly raised garden beds.

Additional notes:

  • The price is for 30 seeds, naturally grown in my permaculture food forest. I am sending it to QLD, NSW, SA, and Victoria in Australia only. Pick up by appointment only.
  • Do your research before trying any new foods. Please also note our disclaimer in the footer of this page.
Weight 0.1 kg
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