Bean Purple King SEEDS – Phaseolus vulgaris – Climbing Beans – Heirloom & Untreated #16

Bean Purple King SEEDS – Phaseolus vulgaris – Climbing Beans – Heirloom & Untreated

Non-GMO, open-pollinated, not chemically treated heirloom seeds. Purple King variety is a heavy-producing, climbing (requires trellis) purple-colored bean that turns green during cooking. Beans are rich in vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, and fiber. Very easy to grow in a warm and hot climate. Freshly harvested beans have a delicious buttery taste when cooked. It is not recommended to eat raw beans. Dried seeds can be cooked the same way as other legumes.

More info below.

Beans Blue Lake SEEDS – Phaseolus vulgaris – Stringless Climbing Beans – Heirloom #16

Beans Blue Lake SEEDS – Phaseolus vulgaris – Stringless Climbing Beans – Heirloom

Non-GMO, open-pollinated, not chemically treated heirloom seeds. Blue Lake bean is a heavy-producing green-coloured, climbing (requires trellis) bean that is stringless and super delicious. Very easy to grow in a warm and hot climate. Freshly harvested beans have a delicious buttery taste when cooked. It is not recommended to eat raw beans. Dried seeds can be cooked the same way as other legumes.

The price is for 16 seeds.

More info below.

Mexican Coriander PLANT – Perennial Coriander – Sawtooth Coriander – Culantro – Heirloom & Untreated – Eryngium foetidum

Mexican Coriander PLANT – Perennial Coriander – Sawtooth Coriander – Culantro – Heirloom & Untreated – Eryngium foetidum

Mexican coriander is an aromatic, evergreen perennial herb that can be used in cooking similarly to the popular true coriander. It offers numerous health benefits and is widely used in traditional medicine. This hardy herb thrives in hot and humid summer conditions and prefers a semi-shaded position in the garden. It can also be grown successfully in a pot and must be protected from frost.

The price is for one young plant supplied in a small pot from the mother plant, naturally grown with lots of love in my permaculture food forest in Pacific Haven QLD Australia.

More info and interesting facts below.

Lima Bean SEEDS – Civil War Bean – Butter Bean – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean – Phaseolus lunatus #5

Lima Bean SEEDS – Civil War Bean – Butter Bean – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean – Phaseolus lunatus

Non-GMO, non-hybrid, open-pollinated, no chemically treated, heirloom seeds. Lima bean is a perennial bean that grows up to 7 years in a warm climate. Very tasty and easy to grow. Lima bean is a fantastic substitute for butter and broad beans and is much easier to grow in warm climates. You can enjoy the beans fresh in stir fries and soups while still whitish in colour. The ripe and dry beans can be stored in a dry place for months and cooked like any other dry beans.

The price is for five seeds.

Anasazi Sweet Corn SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Multicoloured #16

Anasazi Sweet Corn SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Multicoloured

Anasazi Sweet Corn is a not genetically modified, open pollinated corn variety. Corn can be grown on its own and as a companion plant together with climbing beans and squash, the “three sisters”. All are available in my online shop.

The price is for 16 seeds.

More info below 🙂

Squash Golden Scallopini SEEDS – Cucurbita pepo – Heirloom & Untreated #7

Squash Golden Scallopini SEEDS – Cucurbita pepo – Heirloom & Untreated

Non-GMO, open-pollinated, not chemically treated heirloom seeds. Delicious, summer squash. Hardy, prolific, and downy mildew resistance. Very easy to grow. Perfect for growing together with corn and climbing beans (three sisters) in one garden bed.

The price is for 7 seeds.

More info below.

Winged Bean SEEDS – Psophocarpus tetragonolobus – Four Angled Bean – Heirloom #8

Non-GMO, non-hybrid, open-pollinated, not chemically treated heirloom seeds. The Winged bean is a crunchy and very tasty vegetable. The young beans can be eaten raw. The entire plant is edible including flowers, leaves, roots, and beans. Very easy to grow in a hot and humid climate mostly because of its excellent disease resistance.

The price is for 8 seeds.

More info below.

Bottle Gourd, Calabash SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Lagenaria siceraria #5

Bottle Gourd, Calabash SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Lagenaria siceraria

Bottle Gourd, Calabash is an annual vine that produces attractive bottle-like edible fruit with lots of health benefits and it can be eaten the same way as zucchini. Very tasty and easy to grow. The young, still green fruit is harvested for food. The mature and dry fruit can be used as decoration.

More info below.

Poor Man’s Bean SEEDS – Dolichos lablab, Lablab purpureus, Hyacinth bean – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean #6

Poor Mans Bean SEEDS – Dolichos lablab, Lablab purpureus, Hyacinth bean – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean

Poor Man’s bean is a short-living perennial bean that grows up to 5 years in a warm climate. Very tasty, easy to grow, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Fresh, still green beans are harvested and used in the same way as green beans. Dried seeds can be used in the same way as other legumes.

Seven Years Madagascar Bean SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean #5

Seven Years Madagascar Bean SEEDS – Heirloom & Untreated – Perennial Bean

Madagascar bean is a perennial bean that grows up to 7 years in a warm climate. Very tasty and easy to grow. You can eat the beans raw and straight out of the green seedpods while there are still white coloured. The still white bean is a great addition to any salad or stir-fried dish. The ripe and dry beans can be stored in a dry place for months and cooked like any other dry beans. I have a nice recipe in my blog. Check it out here! More info and video about this great bean are below.

The price is for five beans.

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