
Queensland Arrowroot RHIZOME – QLD Arrowroot – Canna Edulis is an evergreen beautiful and easy-to-grow perennial plant grown for its starchy rhizomes. It makes a perfect potatoe replacement, especially for all slow-cooked dishes! The taste is similar to potatoes if you cook the young rhizomes. Check my Facebook or Instagram page to see some dishes cooked with this fantastic vegetable. The older ones are getting very fibrous and are better for animals or for propagation. The rhizomes can also be grated, dehydrated, and ground to produce starchy flour. This plant grows very quickly during the warmer month. The leaves can be used for chop and drop to create an instant mulch in your garden, and animals love them, too. It grows up to 2m and will expand very quickly under the right conditions, and the best is that you only need to plant it once!

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Queensland Arrowroot RHIZOME – QLD Arrowroot – Canna Edulis

Queensland Arrowroot RHIZOME – QLD Arrowroot – Canna Edulis is an evergreen beautiful and easy-to-grow perennial plant grown for its starchy rhizomes. It makes a perfect potato replacement, especially for all slow-cooked dishes! The taste is similar to potatoes if you cook the young rhizomes. Check my Facebook or Instagram page to see some dishes cooked with this fantastic vegetable. The older ones are getting very fibrous and are better for animals or for propagation. The rhizomes can also be grated, dehydrated, and ground to produce starchy flour. This plant grows very quickly during the warmer months. The leaves can be used for chop and drop to create an instant mulch in your garden, and animals love them, too. It grows up to 2m and will expand very quickly under the right conditions, and the best is that you only need to plant it once!

Planting and growing tips:

  1. Plant into a larger pot or straight to the ground.
  2. Half-shade growing position is best. Expect a few burned leaves if grown in full sun.
  3. Watering straight after planting is essential! From then on, regular watering until the plant establishes is highly recommended.
  4. It doesn’t like to sit in water so a well-drained position is best. All our edibles grow happily and quickly in slightly raised garden beds.
  5. The plant will grow and expand very quickly depending on the growing conditions. It may struggle in winter when the temperature falls below 0°C but it will wake up again in spring. Cut all sad-looking leaves near the ground to give more space for the new shoots. Harvest as required.
  6. Separating the plant periodically will encourage new growth and new plants can be grown from divided rhizomes.

Additional notes:

  • The price is for one rhizome, similar to the ones in the image, coming from my own QLD Arrowroot plant, naturally grown with love in my permaculture food forest in Pacific Haven QLD Australia. Sending within Australia only, not to WA. Pick up by appointment only.
  • We usually dispatch on Monday to make sure the plant arrives at your place before the weekend.
  • Do your own research before trying any new foods. Please also note our disclaimer in the footer of this page.
Weight 0.8 kg
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